Sponsored Race Guide Operational Revision since April 2024

Kurume bicycle race is looking for sponsorship races for the purpose of realizing attractive races and enhancing fan services.
It can be used widely as a publicity medium for corporations and organizations, or as important anniversaries for individuals, so please use it.


Company, organization or individual

Sponsored Races

Race designated by the city among the commemorative bicycle races, F1 and F2 bicycle races of Kurume municipal bicycle races

Sponsored amount

(per race)

Commemorative bicycle race 30,000 yen (excluding final race)
F1 bicycle race 20,000 yen
F2 bicycle race 10,000 yen

Sponsorship Benefits
  1. Race names can be given according to the applicant's wishes, such as company name, product name, and personal anniversaries. Please note that names are no more than 12 characters, and names that violate laws and regulations, public orders and morals, or names related to political or religious activities are not accepted.
    (Example) “Atsuji Hotel Cup”, “Ichiro Tsubaki Birthday Award”, etc.
  2. Displays sponsorship race names on CS broadcasts (only when aired), on-site monitors, run tracks, newspaper advertisements, tickets, and websites
  3. Free invitation to special seats (up to 10 people)
  4. Free provision of space for sponsorship-related products
  5. Displaying message (advertisement) to monitor the hall
  6. DVD present of sponsorship race video

※Only on the day of the sponsored race (except during the midnight bicycle race period)

Application method

Please fill out the application form and apply by mail or fax. Please note that the application deadline is 30 days before the sponsorship race date.

Application Form (PDF: 88KB)

Contact information

Kurume City Commerce and Industry Tourism Labor Department Bicycle Race Business Division
TEL: 0942-43-3996
FAX: 0942-43-0840